Whole eggs and egg whites have
long been a major source of protein for bodybuilders, but many people fear that
eating eggs will raise your LDL cholesterol levels, which are normal. But it is
called bad cholesterol, which can increase your risk of heart disease. But
recent research suggests that this may not be the case, and if you believe in
old-school rock movies that eating raw eggs is a good idea, you'll want to
continue researching protein comparisons. The rate of absorption of raw eggs
compared to cooked eggs and we are also going to add an amazing recipe of eggs
from Chef Enrique Wilson from Healthy Kitchen, but first let's start with these
five reasons that bodybuilder builds muscle They eat eggs. The first reason
bodybuilders eat eggs to build muscle is because it is a source of high-quality
protein and contains a rich blend of essential amino acids that are essential
for muscle recovery. The article states that eggs have a high quality of
This is better because B-stack milk is like number two because eggs
have the lowest energy density ratio of any food, which means you are getting
nutrients in every calorie. Its quantity is very high so besides being a high-quality protein egg is also a rich source of many essential nutrients
like Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Selenium and colon number three is that eggs are one
of the high-quality protein. The average cost of an egg in North America is
about 20 cents. So I had a high grain protein per egg, one can eat four eggs
and get 24 grams of protein for less than 1 gram, it is the source of the least
expensive animal protein, which is usually a plant-based protein. Reason number
four is a more complete protein. Can this egg white be separated from the egg
yolk? Before we take advantage of it because it is beneficial when they dispel
some misconceptions about where the protein is actually in the egg. Many people
think that the protein is only in the egg white but this It is not true that
both egg whites and egg yolks are high in protein but there are times when
being able to easily separate the two can be very beneficial as it helps the
bodybuilder to decide that How many whole eggs can they eat which are high in
fat and high in calories and how many egg whites they want to use are very low
in calories and high in protein. This can be very beneficial for the
bodybuilder who was abstaining. I need to maintain a low-calorie diet but I
still need to use protein to build muscle and maintain it because eggs contain
healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats to produce healthy testosterone. A
wide range of health benefits including retaining poly-multi-precision fats
Natural insects should consume at least 20% of their fat. Consuming a low-fat diet consisting of healthy fats can have a detrimental effect on your
testosterone production. How much muscle you can gain but also your energy can
affect how your mood drives your sex drive and your overall well-being. Reason
number five is that eggs are much easier and faster to make than other animal
proteins. Are more like chicken breast steak lean ground beef turkey salmon can
take 30 minutes or more to prepare an easy egg dish can be taken anywhere with
more egg dishes 5 and 10 minutes were the maximum duration where consumption
There was a significant decrease in the reason that previous studies linked egg
consumption to increased cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease, but
numerous meta-analyzes and basic studies show that eggs and The link between
heart disease and cholesterol levels are weak, and other factors such as
saturated fat intake and Lifestyle choices deserve more attention Many of these
studies have benefited from the use of eggs on things like weight loss and
overall health because of the high-quality protein, healthy fats, and high
nutritional density. Consumption should be part of a healthy diet as a whole
and a vibrant lifestyle rocker who doesn't want to be rocky digs meat in a meat
freezer and is the biggest underdog story in American history But if you want
to increase your egg protein digestion, then don't drink them raw. The good
idea after 25 grams of raw egg protein itch was that only 50% of it was
absorbed in a 24 hour period when it was 91% lower than the absorption rate
found in cooked eggs when you digested more egg protein. Will do If you cook
them if you find the research part of this article informative.
Let's join
this amazing recipe of eggs from Chef Enrique. Hello, everyone in the healthy
kitchen, welcome so today we have a wonderful breakfast idea very simple and
extremely clean it's just an idea in nothing If you feel like changing
anything, is any theory you see here completely open? We tried to keep it as
simple as possible so let's practice together again, I took advantage so I
tried a little trick here with one of my spiders which is said to be like an
intruder so much Less does not work, so I'm just going to tell you how you can
separate the eggs so crack the egg from the back, all you want to do is let the
whites fall you can use the box ۔ I just don't recommend that it's not fresh so
we want them to cut your cucumbers and then all you want to do is just long
thin sticks and then go ahead and turn this way and just rate it Prepare. This
is for one side only and here the pepper again, the little trick cut off your
head, cut it from the bottom and cut it from the bottom and then roll it out to
remove the pepper and you repeat this process. The ones with the red ones and
put the bandages in it again and then a little dice and that's what they should
look like here. Well, put them aside and at the same time, you dice the
cucumbers which Then you put them on the side. Season them with a little
cracked pepper. Turn off your salt and camel's oil and sprinkle a little
balsamic vinegar on it to add flavor to your green onions.And all you want to
do now is sprinkle a little on your cucumber and cut it as thin as possible
with your red onion and as you can see everything here, that's why it's now
called frittata which The omelet is on a white plate. Okay, so we're only going
to cut our tomatoes in half or quarters, so all these ingredients are going to
be ripe. Now if you always have their pits, well, we don't want to waver this seed
and the green color, we just squeeze them a little better on our spinach and
leave it to it. Now you want to heat your pan nice and warm before we add the
vegetables to the lentils. It should not take more than a minute and a half at
medium height as we are trying to get the taste. It's okay to heat the
vegetables outside so they don't cook completely, so just lightly saute and you
don't want to add anything here except pepper.
Once you see it like that,
remove them from the side. Remove and move to the pan together. The pan must be
heated with a good amount of oil. Make sure you are using really healthy fats
or honestly that the egg whites will stick to it without any yolks. So rich
protein doesn't really exist to help it stay with it so you just have to make
sure your oil is nice and warm. Why was my feta cheese added to my vegetables
and now I could combine it to make an egg-white omelet Mediterranean style
when I cooked the vegetables from the inside out and made it more like a
frittata ۔, Just to be different. Okay, now you can eat the whole thing for
the size of a portion if you want to know why it's called away from the hill
and hit it with this beautiful cucumber that I have to get off the side.
That's amazing article post in this blog thanks . If you’re on a rigorous calorie-restricted diet, eating a high-protein eggs breakfast for weight loss might help you shed pounds. high quality eggs , high standard egg